The Drumheller Dragons have scheduled their annual Volunteer Information Meeting and are hoping to see both familiar and new faces there this year.
“Volunteers are essential to the success of the Drumheller Dragons, because without them our home games simply couldn’t happen,” said Business Manager Nicky Faye. “And we’re always looking to add new members to our existing team of dedicated and passionate volunteers.”
If you are a returning volunteer, if you are interested in volunteering for the first time, or if you just want more information on volunteering, the Dragons invite you to the Volunteer Information Meeting on Tuesday, August 22nd at 6:00pm upstairs in the arena. There will be coffee and doughnuts for everyone in attendance.
Topics for discussion at the Volunteer Information Meeting include what volunteer roles need filling, what the duties and responsibilities of volunteers are, what sort of time commitment is required from the volunteers, what worked and didn't work in Dragons game-day operations last year and what could be changed this year, and much more.
“I always feel there is great satisfaction to be a volunteer, as you are personally contributing to the success and longevity of such an organization and it can be most rewarding,” said long-time Dragons volunteer Barry Pozzo, who is the coordinator of off-ice officials and was the recipient of the 2015-16 Viterra AJHL Volunteer of the Year.
Being a Dragons volunteer is not only rewarding, but it can also be a lot of fun. “Our volunteers always have a blast on game days and we’re all kind of like a big family,” said Faye.
For more information, call the Dragons office at 403-823-2022.